iPhone Fever & Augmented Reality 📲

Hello Readers,

For those at university, I hope everyone is enjoying their much deserved week break and are eagerly awaiting Saturday’s Grand Final 🏈

For my fellow Apple users, today’s blog post is about the much-anticipated release of the new iPhone 8 and iPhone X.



Some of the great new features include an edge-to-edge display, an OLED screen, the removal of the home button on the X model and the ability to unlock your phone with your face, known as Face ID.



Face ID will also power Apple’s new “Animojis” which are emojis that will match the expression you’re making with your face. Apple CEO Tim Cook has called it the “the biggest leap forward since the original iPhone”.

But what are the marketing implications?

One of the most influential features of the new phone launch is the notion of augmented reality, which was introduced with the iOS 11 software. Augmented reality, unlike virtual reality, doesn’t try to completely recreate everything you see. Instead, AR simply augments what you’re looking at with overlays or 3D models.

So my question to you readers is, what are your thoughts on the new iPhone X & 8? Do you think augmented reality will revolutionise digital marketing? Let me know your thoughts.


21 thoughts on “iPhone Fever & Augmented Reality 📲

  1. rebeccadevlin29 says:

    I think augmented marketing is really exciting and whilst its not very big now-I can see it becoming really big in the future! Personally I think the iphone 8 will be very similiar to 7 maybe a few more features-for the price I think its a rip off though! The iphone X seems to be a bit different however for the price its slightly ridiculous! It also really annoys me that they don’t have an iPhone 9!


    • christineef says:

      I agree Rebecca, I have the 6s myself and I think the 8 is just a minor upgrade for the 7. I am now waiting for the X to come out for my next upgrade.
      And I agree, I think it will be exciting to see how augmented reality will effecting marketing in the future, in particular the user purchase journey and even creating UGC. Thanks for the thought 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 21stcenturywalk says:

    I love allot of the features the iPhone X offers, except for the price tag…The augmented reality features as well as face-ID places the iPhone in a league of its own. Augmented reality can definitely bring up new marketing opportunities. I believe it will replace the heavily outdated QR codes which we are still using today! Great post! 🙂


    • christineef says:

      I really agree! I myself want the iPhone X but am eager and at the same time dreading to see the price tag of owning such a phone. I totally agree that AR will take over QR codes, which in my opinion didn’t really take off as well for iPhone users. Thanks for the comment (:


  3. etmarketing says:

    Great post! Definitely agree with you and Rebecca that whilst an iPhone release is always exciting, the prices for what it’s worth are pretty ridiculous. I also have a 6s and thought possibly this iPhone release would be my upgrade, but I don’t think I can justify an expensive update for the 8 just for a couple of changes! The iPhone X however seems pretty exciting, although crazy expensive! I can see augmented reality being increasingly used in the future, as it is such an interactive and exciting way to engage consumers and improve marketing!


    • christineef says:

      I am the same, I have the 6s and can not justify jumping to the 8 so I am waiting for the x to be released. However I then have to buy a new cover, screen protector and all the added accessories on top of the new expensive design. But I definitely want to see the augmented reality feature and what it has to offer. Thanks for the comment (:

      Liked by 1 person

  4. digitaltransformed says:

    I have always had a strange feeling towards Apple. Their products are not that amazing when you break it down, but their marketing team is so strong that they could probably sell you something you don’t need for an inflated price. In saying this, I do own a few apple products. In terms of the augmented reality, I think they have only scratched the surface of its capabilities and have used it purely because of the current hype around it. It will be interesting to see how they further integrate AR as currently it seems its just a novelty function on the phone when in fact, it has much more potential than changing your face to a monkey.


    • christineef says:

      I must admit I am a true apple fan, with having my laptop, iPhone and desktop computer all Apple I find it allows the transferring between devices easier. But I agree, Apple markets exceptionally well, considering I am now wanting (and not necessarily needing) and Apple Watch.
      I agree, I feel as thought Apple and other tech providers have just scratched the surface with AR and I’m excited to see how marketing will translate this change. Thank for the comment (:


  5. anetarunkowska says:

    I’m not sure whether releasing iPhone 8 and X at the same time would be such a good idea! For a lot of people, like me, it means that I am happy to wait another couple of months to get the iPhone X however if that didn’t get released I would’ve likely gotten the iPhone 8 straight away. When it comes to augmented reality, I think it makes life so much more interesting! Just like Ikea’s app, more will emerge which will hopefully improve the consumer brand experience overall! 🙂 Great post!!


    • christineef says:

      I agree ! I think the 8 now becomes less attractive and I also don’t see the difference between it and the 7. I am also excited to see how brands implement AR whilst also if people take the privacy concerns of companies scanning and mapping your house to place objects in it. Thanks for the thought (:


  6. thoughtsfromaunistudent says:

    I think the iPhone 8 is pretty much the same as the iPhone 7 but the iPhone X sounds a bit weird with the face recognition feature, I still don’t know if it’s a good idea to get rid of the home button altogether and leave your face as the way to unlock your phone. My worry with the iPhone X would be if the face recognition wouldn’t work and then I could be locked out of my phone! I think in the future augmented reality will revolutionise marketing a lot more, a lot of businesses are getting on board with it and so far it has been a success but I also think it depends on the market in regards to how successful it is!
    Really great post! 🙂


    • christineef says:

      I agree, I had my hesitations with replacing the home button to facial recognition. I was also one of the few that didn’t like the thought of companies having my fingerprint and information, so facial recognition holds the same worries about data collection for me also.

      I also agree, I think AR will benefit products that need to be visually seen in a space to help the purchasing decision. I can’t wait to see where companies take this. Thanks for the thought (:

      Liked by 1 person

  7. emilydemeris says:

    I am not aware of all the new features on the new iPhones, but quite frankly I think animojis is kind of a random addition. I mean it’s cool and they are utilising the new trend of augmented reality, but I am not sure how useful/necessary it is? I was considering upgrading, but I can’t justify the price for these kinds of features. Apple have developed an amazing and incomparable level of loyalty among consumers though, they could basically sell anything! Interesting post!


    • christineef says:

      I agree, for me the appeal of a new phone only really comes from my contract ending. I don’t think I would of been in a rush to pay out my contract for the new phone. However, I am excited to see a phone from Apple that strays from the ordinary. Thanks for the comment (:


  8. monicamonga says:

    I agree with Emily. While these new features may be something that would drive consumers to purchase the new iPhones, I don’t feel like they really necessary, and feel like the Face ID might not always work and backfire on you. I also think the animojis would not justify the price of the new iPhones, and think that emojis are sufficient in expressing expressions and reactions. Interesting read 🙂


    • christineef says:

      I agree, I think the animojis kinda miss the target market, in the sense that younger users might want it, yet the product is so expensive to purchase. Where as AR for business use appeals to older audiences and businesses, creating greater revenue from this stream. Great thought (:


  9. izzismith says:

    Although I find augmented reality really interesting and an exciting new potential digital marketing technique, I’m not sure I believe this component in the new iPhone, justifies its price. I agree with previous comments, the 8 is almost a replica of the 7 and the X is extremely expensive and ultimately the lure of augmented reality isn’t enough for me to buy it!


    • christineef says:

      I agree, I think it appeals to businesses to trial introducing apps that support this type of technology. But if I didnt have to update my phone I would not consider paying for the 8 or the X. Thanks for the comment.


  10. selinidigitalmarketingblog says:

    Since AR has already started to revolutionise digital marketing, I think there is no question that this trend is set to continue. The reason for this is that it is now more accessible that ever with it being on our phones. I think AR is great and am looking forward to see how marketers use it in their campaigns!
    Great Read


  11. janellenardo says:

    Oh wow, I didn’t know about the Animoji feature – that sounds interesting but also kind of creepy! Similarly to most people, I think the new iPhones are way overpriced but the iPhone X seems so advanced with the face detection and other new features. Also, I think AR will definitely continue to increase in popularity and will change the game for many brands and consumers as consumers will start expecting more during their purchasing journey! 🙂


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